Welcome English Learner Families!
The Painesville City Local School District’s English Language Development (ELD) program helps students assimilate to their new language, culture, and community. Through the ELD program, students learn insightful skills that help them to succeed in learning how to listen, speak, read, and write in their new language. The District’s ELD program provides students with language development instruction and equitable access to academic content (Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015). Each English Learner (EL) is assigned to a mainstream classroom where both the regular classroom teacher and Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) collaborate to make the curriculum accessible.
Who is an English Learner?
Students who do not demonstrate the necessary language skills as measured by district approved Language Proficiency Assessments and “Any individual who:
How are Students Identified as English Learners?
Any student enrolled in Painesville City Local Schools must fill out the Ohio's Language Usage Survey (Appendix A) as part of the enrollment process.
The Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener(OELPS) is administered by highly-qualified personnel to then identify a student’s level of English language proficiency within 14 days of enrollment. The student’s proficiency level determines if he or she qualifies for services.
Parent Involvement
ELD staff has several opportunities throughout the school year to meet with parents. They can include but are not limited to:
Interpretation and Translation Services
In order to effectively communicate with our families, staff will in a timely manner obtain qualified language assistance, which includes the use of interpreters when staff receive or make phone calls and translators for school/home written communication. Families that need these services are identified at the time of enrollment and flagged in Infinite Campus.
Painesville City Local Schools currently employs Spanish/English bilingual staff members who provide interpretation and translation services. If interpretation/translation services are needed in a language other than Spanish, the District contracts with outside services.
Amount of ELD Services
The amount of service is dependent on the following criteria:
How long will my child be in the ELD program?
The length of time an English Learner (EL) student spends in the program is dependent on the level of proficiency. Research indicates it can take from 5 to 7 years to acquire academic language proficiency compared to a native speaker. Therefore, the amount of support given to an EL student will depend on his/her progress in the new language. The typical path of an EL is from full support, to minimal support, to progress monitoring by the ELD teacher. Students remain classified as English learners until they reach the Proficient overall level as measured by the OELPA given yearly in the spring. English learners demonstrate the overall Proficient level by earning a score of 4 or 5 in each of the four parts of the test (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing). When the student becomes proficient in the four domains of language acquisition as indicated by their scores on the state language assessment, the student is then exited from the program. After Exiting from the program, your child’s performance will be monitored for two years to determine if additional language support is needed.
What will my child be taught?
Our district’s ELD Program addresses the four basic skills in English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills are introduced and reinforced throughout the year in order to increase the language proficiency and standardized test-taking skills of each student to help him/her meet the state’s academic standards.
Who provides service to English Language Learners?
Highly qualified educators who are certified in elementary and/or secondary education and are TESOL endorsed.
Is it required for the ELD teacher to speak my child’s native language?
No, it is not required. However, there are bilingual and trilingual staff members who help service our EL population and are also available to address the needs and concerns of parents.
Will the emphasis on English cause my child to forget his native language?
English Language Learners are taught to assimilate to their new language and American culture while being encouraged to value their native language and ethnicity.